Town of Portland, Connecticut
2016-2026 Economic Development Strategic Plan
EDC Implementation Strategy
Mission Statement:
The Town of Portland Economic Development Strategic Plan is a series of goals and objectives aims to encourage appropriate economic development, build financial stability, preserve natural resources, celebrate our culture, and strengthen our community. The goals and objectives of this strategic plan are aligned with the Towns 2016 Plan of Conservation and Development.
Utilize the expertise of the contracted Village District Architects, Anchor Engineering, LLC, to promote appropriate renovation and redevelopment within the Village District to create a unique and attractive streetscape highlighting the architecture and history of Portland to benefit each business and property owner.
Edit the Village District Guidelines in an effort to make them more “welcoming” to penitential users. Emphasize how the use of them provides benefit to business and property owners that are subject to them. Consider holding an event where those impacted could offer Guideline improvement.
Engage local lenders to offer low interest financing exclusively for Village District business and property owners to promote renovation and/or redevelopment.
Continue the “Development Team” Program bringing Building, Zoning, and Planning and Land Use Officials, Chatham health District Agent, Economic Development Consultant, and Public Works Director together to meet with prospective buyers and developers before a project begins to review municipal, state, and federal requirements, estimate costs and establish a project timeline.
Develop strategies to draw those visiting the Brownstone Exploration & Discovery Park. Riverfront Park, golf course, and hiking trails to frequent Village District business.
Goal Two: Work to attract new economic development that is compatible with the overall character of, and vision for Portland.
Develop a list of businesses and services not currently available and desirable to residents that are keeping in with the POCD.
Attend conferences and trade shows to promote Portland and the business community.
Attend site selector events to Introduce Portland to those responsible for seeking out new locations and markets for business.
Work to introduce the community and promote other economic development concepts such as hospitality, lodging, age-related housing and tourism
Goal Three: Continuous review of the commercial and Industrial zoning regulations, monitoring of demographic and Industry trends, recommend needed changes to PZC as needed.
Ensure that appropriate industrial development is allowed, encouraged, and supported.
Evaluate the appropriate strategy for the Planned Industrial district.
Simplify the land use approval process when and where possible.
Carefully evaluate development opportunities along Route 66. Develop an inventory of undeveloped and underdeveloped parcels along to target areas for improvement or development. Investigate expanding the municipal water and sewer service area to promote economic development.
Review the current uses of all sites designated as “Panned Industrial” as a basis for defining a strategy for future development.
Goal Four: Continue to develop tourism as an economic driver of the local economy through development of new tourism activities and destinations and continued support of existing attractions.
Promote the use and expansion of the Airline Trail and amenities with the goal of extending the trail to the Town Center. Utilize the expertise of the Complete Street group to plot a route for the trail from the existing location to the Village District/Town Center.
Work to support the expansion of Portland’s golf industry. Promote events that highlight our golf courses and related businesses, including restaurants.
Partner with St. Clement’s Castle to promote Portland as a recreational destination for their nearly 40,000 guests each year.
Identify historic, recreational, and sporting attractions for the Town through signage and markers and coordinate with the Portland Public Works department to develop a plan for signage within the Town right of way. Identify grant opportunities to fund the installation of signage and markers.
Goal Five: Develop programs and policies to provide support to existing businesses.
Continue to maintain and update the searchable database of all local businesses.
Establish a maintain relationships with local businesses and business organizations in order to understand issues and opportunities.
Continue membership/participation in the Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce, DECD, CEDAS, and CERC programs and presentations.
Provide information and assistance to local businesses seeking loans and grants for business expansion, new construction, expanded employment, and working capital. Assist businesses through every phase of the municipal permitting process.
Continue to promote “buy local” through the Community Partners Program and highlight businesses through the on the sport Business Excellence Awards.
As a commission, review the Business of the Year, Business Person of the Year, and Entrepreneurs Awards programs for ways to expand and better recognize businesses.
Continue to develop programs to encourage and allow for appropriate home-based business as the incubator for our commercial and industrial districts.
Work with the Middlesex Chamber of Commerce to provide mechanism for group rate acquisition of health, life, and property insurance.