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This website hosts the 2016-2026 Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD) for Portland.
Required by Section 8-23 of the Connecticut General Statutes, the POCD is intended to provide guidance to elected and appointed officials with regard to the future physical, social and economic development of Portland. The overall aim of this POCD is:
improve and maintain the overall quality of life in Portland;
promote economic development and prosperity; and
preserve and promote the character of Portland.
The “Strategic Element” identifies:
desirable strategies related to the future conservation and development of Portland, and
policies and action items which will help implement those strategies.
There is also a companion document called the “Implementation Element.” The Implementation Element is a working document that outlines the “leaders” and “partners” involved with implementation of the specific policies and action items. While the Strategic Element may remain unchanged over the anticipated 10-year time frame of the POCD, the Implementation Element should be regularly updated to reflect new action items and/or policies in order to help accomplish POCD strategies.
The Planning and Zoning Commission prepared the POCD with assistance from Portland residents and municipal boards and staff who participated in the process. This Plan is an update of the 2006 POCD.
We hope you will help us implement the Plan!
Bruce Tyler, Chair
Planning and Zoning Commission
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