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Special Meeting Minutes April 15, 2019



Present:                 Claire Frisbee, Angela Hammond, Frederick Knous (Chair) , Thomas Malecky

Absent:                   Sharon Peters, Wayne Martin, Frank Winiski

Others Present:    Mary Dickerson



1.Chairman Call Meeting to Order


Chairman Frederick Knous called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the second floor conference room in Town Hall, located at 33 East Main Street, Portland, Connecticut. Alternate Thomas Malecky was seated.



2.Approval of Minutes


Chairman Knous invited corrections to or a motion to approve March 18, 2019 minutes.

The following corrections to the March 18 minutes were noted:


  • First Selectperson Susan Bransfield was present

  • The location of the March 18,2019 meeting was at the Waverly Center, Portland, CT

  • In D1 (Industrial Zoning) some sections of the industrial zone, e.g. portions of the Rt. 66 Corridor lack water and sewer making development difficult

  • In D1 in reference to the Brainerd Park project delete Park, insert Place


A motion to approve the March 18, 2019 meeting minutes was amended was made by Claire Frisbee and second by Thomas Malecky. Motion carried unanimously.

3.Presentation Mary Dickerson and Thomas Malecky


Information was presented on developing a PIC Implementation plan that would allow for detailed information to be available to both the public and town officials. A component which tracks the status of the POCD policies and action items would also be included. Malecky noted that some formats he had reviewed had strict limitations on the amount of information that could be stored and

viewed. The town of Wilton’s approach holds promise since elements of their program addresses the limitation of information and provides additional flexibility.


4.The Wilton Plan


The Wilton Plan 1) provides a fairly succinct table format of “Tasks/Action Items” and 2) by using a web site approach for the 2029 Plan, they have room to retain an extensive array of information. In the Policy and Tasks section a priority feature allows for tracking the anticipated time frames for tasks.

We suggest a similar approach by adding timeframe details for our Action Items: O= Ongoing

A= within one year B=within two years C=within three years

Also we suggest a second column which records when Action Items are completed. Also new Action Items can be added as needed.

POLICIES don’t generally lend themselves to projected timeframes, but we do need to record a large amount of information on accomplishments relevant to the policy.


The Review the Documentation tab on the site provides a lot of information regarding surveys and public input provided during the draft process. This could be good for our future planning.

Of key importance are the questionnaire responses from their departments. In our case we suggest having responses from all Leaders/Partners. But would also expand so we can have ongoing details uploaded to maintain a more extensive documentation of accomplishments.

We may wish to send out an initial questionnaire with a possible response date in September.





The committee discussed the Proposal and expressed support for the web site format that was presented. A motion was made by Claire Frisbee and a second by Thomas Malecky. The motion was to establish a web site based POCD implementation site similar to, as a basis for implementation, planning and tracking of the 2016 Portland Plan of Conservation and Development. Voting yes: Frisbee, Hammond, Knous & Malecky (unanimous).




At 8:59 a motion to adjourn was made by Thomas Malecky and a second by Angela Hammond. Motion carried, meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.






Fred Knous

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